Friday, January 25, 2008

Design Your UI to Make Customers Feel Smart

For a long time I've talked about implementing UI methods that will educate users while they interact with your site. For instance, if your UI incorporates a simple way to guide your user through any forms or complex processes, they'll be more compelled to use your service further. This is because the UI gives the illusion of being very responsive to input and users feel like they will make less mistakes. Couple that with subtle marketing and branding techniques and you'll have created a very powerful online user experience.

Dave Shepard of the Smashing Magazine blog put together a really good post that sums it up better than I can:

Evolve Your User Interface To Educate Your Users
by Dave Shepard
The Web has changed. This isn’t your neighbor’s nerdy kid’s internet anymore. Now the Web is home to your mom, your grandma and your technophobe sister. With computers as common a household appliance as televisions now, who might be using your web-application has expanded beyond the realm of just the power user.

Complicated menu systems, alert dialog messages that lock you out of the browser and flashy but confusing layouts aren’t necessarily going to help you make conversions. The Web user demographic has changed and to make your web application appeal to the masses your user interface needs to teach and to guide.

User Interfaces Should Teach
User interfaces need to teach your user how to use your application without resorting to a help screen. Many developers think that a help section will suffice for teaching users how to operate most any application, but this is not the case.

The help section of most applications, Web-based or otherwise, end up being used by the power users who are already trying to figure out every nook and cranny of the application. The proper way to help users understand how your application works is to bring the help section to them and in a format that can easily be understood."

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